Mad Dog Pro Wrestling. Old school wrestling is back!

The Founder. Andy Ellison.

From a very early age, Mad Dog Pro Wrestling founder Andy Ellison has been passionate about wrestling. Early memories include watching wrestling on TV with family and attending live tapings at CFCF studios and the Paul Sauve arena. Years later, Ellison would find himself in the ring against many of the stars he watched growing up like Abdullah The Butcher, King Kong Bundy, The Bushwhackers, George “The Animal” Steele just to name a few.

With a solid reputation as a wrestler and promoter, Ellison received honorable mention in the book, MAD DOGS, MIDGETS AND SCREW JOBS: THE UNTOLD STORY OF HOW MONTREAL SHAPED THE WRESTLING WORLD by Pat Laprade and Bertrand Hebert, ECW PRESS.

With close ties to the Vachon family, Ellison has received the approval and endorsement of the Vachon family, notably Mile Vachon, son of Mad Dog and Paul “The Butcher Vachon”. They expressed being honored to have their family name and legacy extended to new generations of wrestling fans.